Tazama Kidigitali is a project and a strategic plan to enable people (those who love films and music) to watch artists’ works that have been developed for global quality, to see actual work from developers of the work of art such as Films, series, theatre, music videos, reality shows, documentaries, etc. and also give artists the opportunity to get their eligible rights that they worthy deserve by using a digital method.
Tazama Kidigitali Project will be divided into three (3) main parts; and these parts are:
Tazama Kidigitali Platform (TKP)
Tazama Kidigitali Platform is the platform that people will have to pay a certain amount of money thru their mobile money services and get an access to watch exclusive movies, series and other programs exclusively. These movies will only be from our local film producers only.
Tanzanite Film Channel (TFC)
Tanzanite Film Channel is the channel that people will have to pay daily and watch local movies and other programs which has already been shown at Tazama Kidigitali Platform (TKP). The Tanzanite Film Channel (TFC) will be found on all the decoder providers in the country.
Azima Kidigitali (AK)
After films, series, documentaries, reality shows and other programs been shown from Tazama Kidigitali Platform (TKP) and aired at Tanzanite Film Channel (TFC), these films will be put on a special folder of the platform where by people will be able to rent and watch them at any time they want for a reasonable specific price.
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